Monday, September 26, 2005

Sometimes it's the little things (part 2)

Went for an evening ride to the grocery store to pick up the makings for dinner. On the way, I rode in high gear, baskets, bags and all flying at over 20 MPH. I'm not sure if it was the big grin or the big helmet, but folks gave me lots of sidewise glances in the store.

On the way back home, the sky over the mountains exploded with color. It was right in that spot that you can only catch shaky glimpses of in your car's sideview mirror. So, another great thing about being a cycler: Year Round Convertible. Oh yeah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Found your site by searching for fly rods. So many sites have little new info on fly rods, and even though it's not quite what I was looking for, yours is great. I enjoy following the conversations and every now and then pick some interesting tidbits of knowledge that I can pass along to my friends. Thanks again

12:16 AM  

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